Looking for a solution, especially a free one...
I have "experimented" with about a half dozen products that CLAIM to be able to translate my "call display" feature from my telephone line to my desktop. ..and yes, I do have that service.
In principle, a great idea. Once upon a time, I used the services of the company that designed "Internet Call Manager." IT DELIVERED! I was happy. It was heaven...no more interference and I could be as evil as I wanted behind the scenes

and ignore calls ad nauseum.
But now, no more ICM, they no longer offer the service way up here in the boonies of CAN-AN-ADA...bummer! Bell, said it offers such, but upon further investigation...no such deal...too muddlesome they say...and so their web site continues to offer it...go figure...
Next tack...look for an alternative...that is why I have tried to use about a half dozen different progs and NOT ONE WORKS! Oh, they install wonderfully well, and they set up magnificently. They keep well organized logs... But as soon as the phone rings, and the "pop up" pops up...all I get is "N/A." In board commands say they are correcting the issue...but nada...
Now, this should not be.
I have researched all the strings for my Intell modem...I have researched the strings for the progs...they all come back as "Intel(R) 536EP Modem:
at+vcid=1 - OK" I have even entered manually this string, sans the "OK." Nothing works.
Research has shown that the INTEL modems are prone to just not work period...with this feature...even if advertised that they do...but I am not about to buy another modem just so it will show pretty pics on my desktop.