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Andrew Watson 05-14-2008 05:24 AM

Zip File Corruption Due to Oversize
Zip file is the method or way of compressing the larger files and saving one type of file at one place. This is very continent way of sending any larger file through email. Using zip file, you can merge two or more files in one folder and can also split the larger files into two or more parts.

But sometimes, these zip files create problems when you try to extract them and access the data from them. When you create a zip file more than 2 GB (gigabyte) of size, the zip file may no longer be readable or accessible and the data stored on it may become corrupted.

There is no problem in creating zip file of the same but the problem occurs when you try to extract it. At this point of time, the zip file may show some sort of error messages also.


The problem occurs due to the oversized zip file. Win Zip allows the maximum size of up to 2 GB of any zip file. The file larger than 2 GB wont be extracted and accessed and it becomes unusable and the data stored on them will be prone to failure.


There is no solution of this problem. There is no tool in Windows operating system that can repair the corrupted oversized zip file. Only you can take precautions to prevent zip file corruption by not making zip files more than 2 GB. If you have any such kind of file that is larger than 2 GB and you need to compress it, you are suggested to split the files before compressing.

But nothing is incurable. The solution of this problem is also present. You can repair such type of corrupted Zip files using zip recovery or zip repair software. These software are the application programs that you can use in such circumstances and can perform zip recovery by yourself.

These software use powerful scanning algorithms to extract the corrupted zip files and make the data accessible. In this particular case, you have to split the zip file is several parts, according to the file size, and need to apply the zip repair on the main file with .zip extension. This is required because zip recovery software also can’t recover the data from oversized Zip files.

Stellar Phoenix Zip Recovery software is the extraordinary zip recovery software with advanced and powerful scanning options. This zip recovery software is much powerful that can recover the data from all instances of zip file corruption including oversized zip file virus attack, operating system malfunction, and improper system shutdown.

You can use this zip repair software in all occurrences of zip corruption, nonetheless the file version of your Microsoft Windows including Windows Vista, 2003, XP etc. and file version of Zip ranging from zip 6.0 to zip 11.1. This zip recovery software can even repair the password protected zip files.

Wombat 05-14-2008 04:51 PM

Well it looks like it will cost US $39.00 for this app. I bet the demo is just that a demo, and it will fix nothing till you buy it...

Buy Zip Recovery Software Tools, Zip Recovery Utilities - Stellar

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