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neome3 10-29-2007 04:22 PM

Wireless network problem
Hey anyone!

A complete technodolt here. I have new Vostro 1500 notebook--Windows XP--I cannot seem to follow instructions on setting up a new wireless connection while away from home. I have been physically connected to a wireless router but would like to do it wirelessly.

Problem number two. Since I have been here, away from home, I receive all of my incoming mail but cannot send any mail. Do I have to set up some sort of proxy or something. I really don't know what that is either, but have heard of it.

Sorry to be so imcompetent.

William_Wilson 10-30-2007 09:12 AM

First you will need to check that the router does not require a WEP key. This is basically a password for the router, to prevent unauthorized access. This is not needed when plugged in, since if you can plug a cable in, it is assumed you should have access, lol.

Trouble sending mail? Are you using a browser to check a site, Outlook Express, Lotus Notes or something else entirely?

neome3 10-30-2007 06:02 PM

Yes, it does require a WEP. I can't figure this out. As far as my email; I am using Outlook Express. No mail will go out. Does this require something like a proxy or something else I don't understand? As you can tell, I really don't know what I am talking about. I probably need to ask my 10-year old grandson! Thanks for your reply.

squirrelnmoose 10-31-2007 12:27 PM

Here's a decent article on setting up an access point or router.
Setting Up Wireless Access Points:Dummies

Your email not going out could be the ISP your connected to not letting mail out through any servers except their own. Some ISP's do this to control spam.
For example if you use time-warner at home your outgoing server settings might be
And your connecting to comcast ISP at your current location, you may have to change the outgoing server setting to

Hope that is helpful.

neome3 11-01-2007 05:48 AM

To all who replied to my wireless connection and email problems. Thank you all. This is a great place for people like me who probably shouldn't even be allowed to own a computer!!!!


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