wireless network passphrase and encryption Hi,
I'm trying to help a friend of mine set up his wireless network, and for the most part everything has worked smoothly except the passphrase. I installed an 802.11 G Belkin wireless adapter in his laptop and it is picking up the signal from his router just fine. I did not set up his router and this is where my problems arise. I think he got "Geek on Wheels" to do it. He lives out of town and it is tough for me to get out to his place where I live. He tells me that the Belkin wireless user interface that he uses to connect to his network is not accepting his password which does indeed work on all his other computers. I know on my NETGEAR router it converts this password to a Hexadecimal number as well. Do you'll guys think if he puts in this hexadecimal number in rather than his password that this will allow him to connect into his network. When I log into my own wireless router and set up the passphrase it makes this hexadecimal conversion for me. You think if I just entered his passphrase into my router and let my router make the hexadecimal conversion for him that this hexadecimal value would then work to log into his network? -->