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Firefox 01-05-2007 03:11 AM

Wireless conflicts
Right then...I foobar'd my rig and needed to do a clean install so I formatted and reinstalled XP Pro.

I have a Belkin Wireless G+ USB Adaptor and a BT Home Hub (wireless router thing). So anyway I have never used the wireless before so I figured while I was starting again I may as well get it up and running. However the ISP CD has wireless connection management software, my usb adaptor has connection software and now XP is poking its nose in with its conection manager.

My wireless wont work!

It can't find the Hub (I assume that this is because of all the connection managers running) how can I turn off the Windows wireless connection manager without disabling my wireless adaptor and how can I use my Hub with out the BT software? If anyone has any answers for my I'd be grateful.

Sat here with a wire coming out of my wireLESS hub...:(

William_Wilson 01-05-2007 12:02 PM

Hmm, not too sure about your setup, but whenever i install the linksys program and it does it's first scan i am prompted to disable windows wireless and continue with linksys. Try disabling the software you were given and see if you can find it with windows itself, even if you can't connect it should show up under the access point list. then switch to your proper software and see if that works.
If you are able to find the access point then the problem becomes one of IPs, WEP keys and identification which are all done automatically or not needed when you are cabled in. I had a big problem once doing this on a computer, it took a couple hours to sort it all out. But usually just doing a refresh will reset things.

Are there other computers connected by cables?

Firefox 01-06-2007 09:41 AM

I cant disable the software that came with the wireless adaptor as its a driver / software together job. If I disable it then it also disables the adaptor. How do I go about disabling Windows wireless?

It has started disconnecting every 20 minutes but I have to unplug the adaptor and plug it back in again for it to work, then windows tells me that I have a new wieless network available, and joins automatically. After about 20 minutes it disconnects, saying no network available. The signal strengh is excellent all the time and speeds are 56Mbps.

It is really annoying me as I kinda need the wireless to work because have wires around means my 11 months old son can (and always does) pull them about.

My network key is written on my router and stays in the settings.

William_Wilson 01-06-2007 01:33 PM

okay, so it does work, but continuously disconnects?

I saw this with a computer once, and the problem was mostly a firmware issue. By updating the firmware in the device all connections seemed to settle down.
It could also be an IP issue, try setting static IPs on any other device sharing the hub, when the wireless connects it should find an open value and use it.
You may also want to check that the range of available addresses is large enough, if the range is too small, when your wireless device connects it's ok, but as soon as another device moves to check it's connection it would boot the wireless connection from the hub.

When the windows icon appears in the systray right click it, and there should be a disable or disconnect option. This should only disable the service and not the card as would be done under Network Connections.

Skirtchaser 06-05-2007 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Firefox (Post 4667)
I cant disable the software that came with the wireless adaptor as its a driver / software together job. If I disable it then it also disables the adaptor. How do I go about disabling Windows wireless?

It has started disconnecting every 20 minutes but I have to unplug the adaptor and plug it back in again for it to work, then windows tells me that I have a new wieless network available, and joins automatically. After about 20 minutes it disconnects, saying no network available. The signal strengh is excellent all the time and speeds are 56Mbps.

It is really annoying me as I kinda need the wireless to work because have wires around means my 11 months old son can (and always does) pull them about.

My network key is written on my router and stays in the settings.

Check the website of the company who made the wireless card. Check for an updated driver there.
I'd stick with linksys products, less conflicts.

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