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Windows XP Blue Screen of Death

By donnagonzales77
Would you like to see the Blue Screen of Death on your Windows XP? You are probably asking why on earth would you want to see one. Well, it can be useful in testing your Startup and Recovery Settings. And it may be considered fun by some. It is actually possible and quite harmless as long as you are quite adept in using the registry. How to do it?
1. Click on the Start button, then Run.
2. Enter in regedit on the window to open the Registry Editor.
3. Find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\i8042prt\parameters.
4. Click on Edit, then New, then DWORD Value.
5. A new value will appear. Label this value CrashonCtrlScroll exactly as seen.
6. Make a double click on the new DWORD value created and place 1 on the Value data.
7. Click on OK then close the Registry Editor.
8. Restart your computer and log in.
9. To produce that Blue Screen of Death, press and hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the Scroll Lock key twice fast.
10. The Blue Screen of Death will then appear on screen.

When doing this, just make sure that any work that you are doing is saved and closed because the system will lock up and restart after the BSOD.

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