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DanielGray 09-03-2009 10:34 PM

Windows Vista Readyboost
Windows Vista Readyboost

ReadyBoost is a Vista feature that uses a compatible USB flash device to enhance performance. Note that the oft-misunderstood feature isn't a replacement for a memory upgrade, and it doesn't affect game performance — you won't see higher frame rates by adding a keychain drive to your system. ReadyBoost caches disk reads on the fly and can often speed up data access. Reads from a USB key or other ReadyBoost device are much faster than random reads from a platter on the hard drive. ReadyBoost data is encrypted, so if someone swipes the flash device he or she can't tell what you've been up to. It's secure, and it really does speed up access in certain instances. To enable ReadyBoost, just plug in a flash device. (Microsoft recommends one about the same size as your system's main memory. For instance, if you have 1GB of RAM, grab a 1GB ReadyBoost device.) The system will automatically detect the drive and offer to use it either as an external drive or as a ReadyBoost drive. Simply choose the latter, and a window will appear. You can change the amount of memory on the device is used for speed. Windows will recommend the amount it can use with the most efficiency. Click "OK" and you're done. Adding a ReadyBoost drive isn't like doubling your system's memory, but the performance benefits are well worth the price of a USB flash device.

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