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Windows Vista: How to Manage User Accounts

Windows Vista: How to Manage User Accounts

Published by KarlM

Default Windows Vista: How to Manage User Accounts

This tutorial will help you manage your Windows Vista user accounts. Features such as password, avatar or account picture, account type, and account name can also be modified. You can also create additional user accounts and manage them with the tips included herein.

Note that some of the more significant modifications can only be executed by utilizing the Administrator account. Standard user accounts only give you the ability to change your account avatar and its associated password.

All of these changes happen within the control panel for User Accounts. Before anything else, let us see where it is located.

The User Accounts Panel

Go to ‘Start.’ Within that window, go to the Control Panel portion. Once inside the Control Panel, go to the upper-right section of the window and enter ‘user accounts’ within the search box. Go to the primary search result (User Accounts).

You can tweak various features within the aforementioned control panel for User Accounts. If your account has administrative rights, you can also handle other user accounts.

Password Change

To change your account’s password, go inside the control panel for User Accounts again. Activate the Change Password option by clicking on the associated link.

Go to the first entry bar and type in your existing password. Enter your new password within the next two entry bars. Keep in mind that the passwords are case-sensitive, and must be entered the in the same manner each time you want to log on to your account. The Change Password option also contains tips on creating a ‘strong’ password (usually a password comprising several letters and numbers, and other characters), as well as a ‘password hint’ entry, which may help you remember your account password in case you misplace or forget it.

If in any case you would like to remove your existing password, you can do this within the User Accounts panel also. Go to the ‘Remove your Password’ option.

Enter the existing password, and click on ‘Remove Password’. If your entry is correct, you (and other users) will be able to access your account at any time.

It is ill-advised to remove your account’s password, as there would be no security measures to prevent anyone who has access to the computer admission to all contained data.

Picture or Avatar Change

If you want to personalize your user picture, go to the ‘Change your Picture’ feature within the User Accounts panel. Under the ‘Choose a new picture for your account’ heading, you will find your current avatar, as well as other basic information pertaining to your account. Below this, Windows displays several default pictures that you can choose from. Click on any of these pictures to employ as your account image. If you have other pictures that you would like to use instead, go to ‘Browse for More Pictures’ to go to the location of any image you would want to use.

Account Name Change

You can also customize your account by changing th name as it appears after startup. Find the Change your Name option within User Accounts. Enter your new account name, and save it by clicking on the ‘Change Name’ button.

Create New User Account/s

If you wish to add another user account to your Windows Vista system, Locate the ‘Manage Another Account’ feature within User Accounts. Click on the link, which will result in a list showing all the current system users, as well as some basic information about each one.

Under the said listing will be the ‘Create a New Account’ option. Click on this link to see an entry bar where you can type in the desired name for the user account and choose the user account type. Go to the Create Account button and click to save the new account.

Change a Different User Account

The ‘Manage Another Account’ feature also gives you the capability to modify other accounts. This link gives you a listing of all current users and some basic info. Double-click on the picture of the user account you wish to modify to open a window with the heading ‘Make changes to <USER>’s account’.


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