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Windows 7: Use Alt+Tab just like in Windows XP

By dothy1005
If you are using Windows 7 on your computer, you know that pressing Alt + Tab would allow you to switch between applications but unlike the traditional icons that you are used to seeing in Windows XP, the window will show you thumbnails of all open applications. And since the majority of Windows 7 users would still prefer to do this the old way, we are presenting you with a tutorial on how you can do this on your WIndows 7 system. Customize your Alt + Tab window back to XP appearance in six steps:

1. Press on the Winkey + R keys to launch the Run box.

2. Type Regedit and press OK. This gives you the access to the Registry Editor.

3. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer

4. Right click on the right side of the window, select New->DWORD (32-bit) Value. Create a name for your new key: AltTabSettings

5. Double click on AltTabSettings and change its value to 1. Click on OK.

6. After doing this, you can now exit from the Registry Editor now. You should now be able to use Alt + Tab just like you did in Windows Xp.
If this does not happen immediately, you may need to restart your system and try again.

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