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dothy1005 12-01-2010 04:55 AM

Windows 7: Put Text Files Directly into the Clipboard
We oftentimes use notepad to store short texts, reminders or tasks that we need to do. But there are times when we feel it's an inconvenience whenever we need to open the file, select the text before we copy it to the clipboard. I have created a short guide for you on how you can copy a complete text file in a clipboard by clicking on the right-click context menu.

Open the Run box by hitting Winkey + R.
In the Run box, type Regedit and then press Enter. This will launch the Registry editor.
Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\textfile\shell.
Select the Shell key by right-clicking on it. This will open the right-click menu. Choose New->Key.
Create a name for your new key.
Next, go to the right pane of the window and double click on (Default) string value.
Change the value to "Copy to clipboard" (You will see this text in the context menu) and click on OK to close the box.
Next, go back to the left pane and right click on the key you have created earlier and select New->Key. Create a name for this key. Name it "command".
Then double click on the (Default) string of "command" and change the value to cmd /c clip < “%1″. Press OK to save.
Exit from the Registry editor. It should take effect immediately. If not, you may restart your system and then try again.

Now, you can quickly copy content from the context menu.

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