Originally Posted by lurkswithin The file you attached works just fine....
you need a zip program such as winzip or (I use) 7zip to extract the files.
First you will need 4 floppy disks to copy the files to when ready.
Download the program and save it to desktop.
create a new folder on your desktop and name it 2000 boot disk
Now right click on the downloaded file and choose to open with (7zip is named if you use it) the zip program you use. choose to extract files and in the window browse to the desktop folder 2000 boot disk and select ok.
In the folder will be the "make disk" program icon....double click it and follow the directions. There must be one of the 4 floppy disks inserted in the floppy drive when you do this! |
I've followed your suggestions but have basically the same result as before.
First I obtianed 7Zip and installed it. Then I copied the Windows 2000 Oro Boot download tot the desktop. (Tis is all on the XP machine as before).
Created folder 2000 Boot disk on the deskpot.
Right clicked the download file, hovered on 7zip and selected Open from its action list.
Browsed to the 2000 Boot Disk folder and clicked OK.
Opened the 2000 Boot Disk folder and saw win2kpro_makebt32 but no other files or icons.
Clicked on win2kpro_makebt32, which opened the command box as before, witht eh question "which floppy drive do you want to extract to". Pressed "a".
The command box closed. Opened the a: drive but no files there, and no new files in the 2000 Boot Disk folder either.
This is a slight change from yesterday when a FDM file appeared.
To invetigate further I opened the win2kpro_makebt32 file with 7zip and saw 4 files inside it (.data, .debug, .rsc, text) but no executable.
Is there another program I need to create the disks or could it ba a control panel setting that's stoppong the process?