Firstly let me apologise for my long absences from the site, only commitments are commitments & I have to grab what time I have to visit here.This time I do have a problem.
Hi to everyone
I have a Vaio laptop, until the other day it was working AOK but then I upgraded my Ewido trojan finder software to that programs new owners AVG (AVG v 7.5) pro programme. I restarted my PC as you do & TROUBLE, I cannot get past the Vaio logo most of the time & when I do get to the start up screen where you can select start normally or from a previous good configuration the drive shuts off, with an audible click (and I get the BSD, black screen of death) before I have chance to do anything, I have tried XP Quick Boot disc, f2 for the BIOS, f8 for Safe mode, the OS recovery disc, none of which work, the discs will not run & I am now locked out of my disc tray.
The drive is new (4months) & is a Western Digital 100GB, I run 1GB Ram, Win XP Pro SP2 (Sonys OEM version), Intel Pentium 4 2.8Mhz. The drive is partitioned into C: & D:,
The laptop is not in Standby or Hibernation at anytime, I have not witnessed any screen problems. I believe it is the upgrading to AVG's v 7.5 that has caused the problem, well I hope it is & not a hardware failure that has manifested itself at the same time, so I'm seeking your help for the Black Screen of Death, which is basically how can I get into my OS even in Safe Mode, or even my BIOS so that I can set my DVD drive for bootup, I don't care if I have to do a complete reinstall. HELP!!!!!