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rayhod 05-03-2007 07:28 AM

win 2000 won't completly boot up
I am running windows 2000 and now it won't boot up. It goes so far and then after a pause of a few minutes, a quick blue screen comes on so fast i can't read it,,then the pc starts to reboot from the beginning.
I can ge ino set up but nothing there seemed towork. Even tied safe ode wit no differenc.
I downloaded strt p and rescue disks from online to hel,,ut sil othing.
It always wants to start from C even though in set up, I changed it to A.
Could this be a virus?
How can I get started to fix the problem. I have current AVG and I guess if it is a virus,,it snuck past

greg486 05-21-2007 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by rayhod (Post 6356)
I am running windows 2000 and now it won't boot up. It goes so far and then after a pause of a few minutes, a quick blue screen comes on so fast i can't read it,,then the pc starts to reboot from the beginning.
I can ge ino set up but nothing there seemed towork. Even tied safe ode wit no differenc.
I downloaded strt p and rescue disks from online to hel,,ut sil othing.
It always wants to start from C even though in set up, I changed it to A.
Could this be a virus?
How can I get started to fix the problem. I have current AVG and I guess if it is a virus,,it snuck past

Ok, so you "were" running windows get a blue screen after partial boot-up. Do you have a windows 2000 installation CD? If so you can do a OS/Hard Drive repair. This is a tedious process as it can take over 2 hours depending on the age of the HD. With the Boot CD in hand, first thing you want to do is make sure the computer boots to the CD. This can be done by accessing your bios by pressing either F1, F2, F10, DEL, or ESC depending on the model of your computer. After changing your boot priority to CD, reboot the computer, and take the cd and insert the 2000 OS CD. Watch closely as there will be a small bit of text at the top that will prompt "Boot from CD, press any key. . . . ." press a key before this dissappears. Your computer will then start CD loading. Once this is done, you will be at a screen that says Welcome to Setup, or something along the matter. At the bottom left of the screen you should see a couple of options. "Recovery Console - Press R, Setup - Press Enter", here you want to press "R" to access the Recovery Console. This will shortly load, may ask you about your keyboard, if so accept the default. Now, at the recovery console you should see a black screen with white text with a C:\ with a blinking cursor, if not, press the appropriate key to choose your OS directory. Once you get to the "C:\" with the blinking cursor "_". At this prompt type "chkdsk /r", if this doesnt work try "chkdsk/r" sometimes it may not accept the command with the space in between. If the computer accept the command, you should see the serial number for your hard drive. The the process of repairing your computer begins. If during the repair process, which doesnt require any input so you can leave the computer alone during this time. After about an hour or so, check on it and if it's done and says chkdsk complete, or complete and chkdsk has repaired some errors, this is good, it fixed your problem, if you get the error "windows encountered an unrecoverable error". This means the drive is possibly bad and it's time for a new one. With hard drives being cheap, this will be a quick fix. But if you did get a completed fix, type "exit" at the C:\ prompt and the computer will restart. Eject the CD, and let the computer attempt to boot up. If your computer boots up, the fix was successful, if it did not, then there other issues with your computer that cannot be fixed with chkdsk.
Sorry if this is hard to read but this is a "quick" reply so any other questions, feel free to post them.
As far as the Virus, if the computer boots up, either do a full scan or think about an alternative AV software. If you need one after your computer is fixed, let me know.

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