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halfcab 03-01-2007 10:10 AM

WIFI'ing a Latitude CSx
Hi there,

Having recently been given an old Dell Latitude CSx, I used the excellent tutorial on the forum to install Windows XP.

Now I would like to add Wifi capability via a pcmcia card.

My problem is that I’m a little confused as to what card I should use. The manual for the CSx on the Dell website say’s that it has a 16-bit pcmcia slot and a 32-bit card bus and will take type I, II, and III cards. So does this mean I will have to use a 16-bit wifi card or can use a 32-bit card.

Also are all type III cards 32-bit.

If anyone can help a newbie get connected it will be greatly apprieciated!

Cobalt 03-01-2007 06:18 PM

You should be safe with any wireless adapter that is suitable for either 16-bit PCMCIA or CardBus type I, II or III interfaces. Search for either a PCMCIA or CardBus wifi adapter and each one will tell you what interface it supports.

As long as you stick to one of these then it should work fine with your laptop.

If you want any recommendations on specific adapters, feel free to let us know and I'm sure one of us will be able to point you in the right direction.


copterdoc 03-01-2007 07:29 PM

I'm using my CSX with a Belkin 54G card that I got at the local Wal-mart...It has good range and works glitch free......

halfcab 03-02-2007 06:23 AM

Thank's for the advice guy's!

Cobalt 03-02-2007 02:03 PM

No problem, let us know how you get on. :)

DellCA 03-02-2007 04:57 PM

All Cardbus cards are going to be 32 bit.

I did some checking and, as Cobalt states, you should be able to use any type I, II, or III Cardbus (32 bit) or PCMCIA (16 bit) card with no problems (Tech Specs for Latitude CSx H)

Due to changes over the years since the Latitude CSx was introduced, I would still recommend testing the card you want with the system before buying one, however. I my years working with Latitudes and wireless networking (4 years here at Dell) I have see a number of occasions where what works on paper just doesn't work in practice, but might be fixed by an update.

If you had any questions about the Latitude system feel free to contact me. I will be more than happy to help out in any way I can.

Dell Customer Advocate

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