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Muhammad Haris 12-10-2005 01:21 AM

Who's your host?
I'm currently hosted by been with them since day 1, only had a few problems, but that was because of the datacenter.
Overrall it's a good host, and will help you if you have any problems.

Optimit 12-10-2005 04:22 AM

Mine is myself. :P

CMan 12-11-2005 02:34 PM

I am hosted with, it is alright. You get alot of space/bandwith for your money and it is a big company, but the support isnt that great. If you know what your doing, dont need alot of support and really cheap hosting, its a good host.


MrCodeDude 12-17-2005 05:08 AM

I have a dedicated P4 server over at EV1.

pairbrother 12-24-2005 07:14 AM

My first site is hosted with RealValueHosting , its a pretty good hosting when u have a small site like 100 mb space and 1.5GB bw for just $20 per year :P ,
After that I got a resellers account at PolurNet and as Hariss said, its got an excellent support center, and its one of the best hosts out there

Irkasmork 01-12-2006 04:07 AM

I have a reseller account at Resellerzoom. I have a few sites I'm working on,
so a reseller was the way to go. :)


William_Wilson 03-13-2006 12:34 AM

i am currently with
i did not choose it... sort of a gift if you will. I have been pleasantly surprised, i've worked with a few servers and this one definatly is easy to work with. They have a decent number of scripts available.. and they actually work (unlike *cough* lycos.. hope they've fixed that by now).
plenty of space, ftp and shell in, as long as i can afford it, i will continue to host with them.. now i jsut have to find time to work on the site... lol

Jormin 06-02-2006 10:00 PM

Re: Who's your host?
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Firefox 06-03-2006 04:07 AM

I use heartinternet for my hosting its free and the domain only cost me £6.09 for 2 years so im happy :)

thugline2k6 06-28-2006 03:50 AM

Hi There, I need a web host(pref cheap) and I have seen a review on this site: link Does anyone of you have tried using ipowerweb as your webhost provider? Want to know if they are one of the best hosting services in the web so I can decide in availing their service if ever. Thanks.

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