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eShutterBUG 02-10-2006 09:31 PM

What kind of speakers do you have?
I bought some really nice speakers with my computer. They are called JLB Creature. They have fantastic sound and work great. 02-12-2006 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by eShutterBUG
I bought some really nice speakers with my computer. They are called JLB Creature. They have fantastic sound and work great.

I have those as well in white. There very nice looking and sound excellent. The white ones also go well nicely with my imac G5. :cool:

eShutterBUG 02-12-2006 09:29 PM

Yes they're excellent speakers, and they are also very cool looking. :)

I recommend them to anyone who doesn't have them and is looking for speakers.

zCon 02-15-2006 06:52 PM

I have my dolby digital output on my sound card plugged into my kenwood home theater amp with a couple kenwood bookshelf speakers, rear surround sound speakers and a 400 watt subwoofer. I'm scared when I turn it up loud that the 40 year old large single pane windows in my house are going to shatter all over my and my computer...

raven 02-15-2006 07:27 PM

Ok I know this is a stupid blonde question. But my computer was a gift and came with speakers. How do i find out what kind of speakers they are?

zCon 02-20-2006 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by raven
Ok I know this is a stupid blonde question. But my computer was a gift and came with speakers. How do i find out what kind of speakers they are?

They likely have a company name and model number on them. You can then search on the internet, or on the manufacturer's website for infotmaiton on your speakers. Or, if they came with a box, it will explain all of their features on it. Other than that, look at the back of the speaker and it should have some wattage specs hopefully, if nothing else.

Juanzo 02-21-2006 10:01 PM

I have Logitech Z-5500, but if I could affor some JBL, I'd get one of those.

foxvince 03-07-2006 06:13 AM

It's very disguting to hear that Im still have the two way speaker.
I haven't decided yet to buy new speaker because im not sure what is the best speaker right now that will fit to my budget.

ChatMod#1 03-07-2006 06:39 AM

Same eher. I have also got a basic one, but it works pretty good. So i just can't be bothered getting new ones.:)

Risherz 03-07-2006 08:42 PM

Well, for me the questions isn't what speakers you have but it is what sound card you have. And I seem to have chosen to go with a normal pci soundcard for this comp (I don't know why I did that but I did) so I didn't even bother getting excellent speakers, my harman kardon ones are just fine right now, and I believe the better quality are also going to sound similar. I also have a harman kardon audio deck, which I mainly use for listening to music and so on , so I don't really need a great speaker for my computer.

ChatMod#1 03-08-2006 01:07 AM

Harmon Kardon is a pretty good company. Well at least you have got that. I have got a speaker which doesn't even have aname.:)

William_Wilson 03-08-2006 01:47 AM

my setup sounds weak, but it's not half bad if you listen to it. It's only a 2 point plus a 4" sub. It's enough to help me workout and makes my desk shake when i'm playin UT 2K4 or HL2.... and did i mention i'm using integrated sound, lol.. i know it's rough, but the quality is really decent, i wouldn't say perfect, but it's pretty amazing coming straight from my gigabyte mobo. If i had the money i'd go all out with the 5 point with 12" sub, but i don't have it so i'll stick with this.

trappercase 03-21-2006 02:00 PM

I have the Dell freebies that came with the system. They are loud enough to annoy me when my daughters feel the need to crank up Hilary Duff. ;)

Juanzo 03-21-2006 10:49 PM

Just remember guys that if you are getting a home theater for your computer, remember that you'll need a spdif connector to avoid using 3 mini-plugs and have different sound on each pairs. Else you'll need to buy a sound card.

chocolatee 04-02-2006 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by eShutterBUG
Yes they're excellent speakers, and they are also very cool looking. :)

I recommend them to anyone who doesn't have them and is looking for speakers.

i'm just much would this brand of speakers cost?..

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