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Luanamy 09-07-2011 11:10 PM

We need to apply parental controls
My daughter has recently purchased a new laptop. She has an older desktop (gateway)with windows XP, that she wants to give to her daughter & son. At this point she wants to see that the teens stay in sights that are child safe. With no ability to download illegal content such as ****, music or movies. Is there a way to do this in windows xp? Many friends online recommended that I should buy mac spy or family keylogger mac. But it seems only apply to mac computers, i don't know if it can also use on windows......Please do tell me if you have a solution to this…

Thanks so much for your time

Sami 10-07-2011 02:46 PM

You can try K9 Parental Control software (K9 Web Protection - Free Internet Filter and Parental Control Software | Free Internet Filtering and Parental Controls Software) it is free and also there are other parental control software

Luanamy 10-09-2011 01:53 AM

Thank you for your advice, you are so helpful. I will have a try.

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