Have you ever thought of maximizing the use of your computer? Nowadays computer are not just solely for internet purposes, downloads and games but it can also be used to watch television. Yes right in front of you computer monitor screen. Through a tuner card a user can be open to a lot of channels right in their computer.
To get you excited here are some popular options that you can do to start watching TV in computers:
First Option: TV Tuner
A TV tuner will let you watch your favorite show right on your personal computer. How? The TV tuner enables your personal computer to receive signals from your television since the device connects your computer and television. It can receive frequency as well which will enable you to listen to FM Radio. The TV tuner also lets you to capture video or record TV shows which you can then burn or share over the internet (just take of the software you need).
TV Tuner is connected to your computer via USB (for external tuners) or usually through PCI slot. Through this you can have the option to have dual or even multiple TV tuners. More TV tuners will enable you to watch and record at the same time however you should remember that your computer should have a higher power to support this and of course a better memory and fast processor to be able to keep all your recordings.
In installing a TV tuner card, just locate one of the PCI slots in your CPU. Make sure to turn everything off before doing such. Then once the TV tuner card is in place connect it to your television. Once you turn on your computer a wizard should appear for the installation of the hardware. It usually comes with an installation CD. So just follow the steps and in no time it will be installed. You might be asked to reboot your computer as well.
This option however allows minimal number of channels only that is available in you TV or it depends on the quality of you tuner card. So it is better to contact your local cable operator for more viewing pleasure.
Second Option: Digital Cable Box
The second option is through your digital cable box. Observe the back side of your cable box and you will be surprise to see different plug-ins that you can directly connect to your personal computer or even to your screen. Usually you use FireWire but you can also you connect through USB, PCI, Ethernet and DVI. For instance DVI lets your connect right straight from your television to computer monitor screen. This option will give you a high quality video and audio recording.
Third Option: Streaming Videos
The third option has been popular nowadays since a lot websites allows you to watch live streaming videos. For this one all you need is a broadband internet and you can already enjoy reruns of your favorite TV shows. Just look for websites like DailyMotion or FanPop. They can be viewable anytime however your choices might be limited and sometimes you sacrifice the quality of picture from these websites.
Knowing your resources will help in choosing the best option that you can do. Watching television has never been this fun; with the advancement of technology anything is possible. Who knows what’s next for the convergence of television, computer and World Wide Web? For the mean time let us all enjoy this wonderful technological creation and be a couch potato. Happy watching!