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benjamingreggsmith 10-24-2008 05:40 AM

Vista, XP, EEE and you got havock!!!
Ive got a compaq Presario CQ 50, a EEE pc on XP home sp1, to win 95 pc that have long been forgotten. Ironically the win 95 pc connect just fine on wireless to my XP EEE, after a bit of tinkering but the problem lies with Vista... If my ethernet modem is connected to any of the win 95 or the EEE they all have internet except Vista. Plug the modem into Vista and only Vista has internet... As far as I know this could be due to a Network protocol that was added to vista but isn't present in XP or older OSes, Ive tried the USB way of setting up a wireless network but it doesn't work with 95 and when I plug it into my XP EEE it sais that this version of windows is too old... I did go for wireless because it was cheaper and you can move around but it looks like windows have some compability issues with networking TOO!!! I thought Id post this and see what would come of it before I go out and buy 150m ethernet cables. Yes, the shortest distance via cabling is 150m total but the distance is between pc is only 25... enough for wireless.... thanks in advance.

lurkswithin 10-24-2008 09:19 AM

You are really confusing. How about restating the issues about what you have hooked up and HOW you have it hooked up.

squirrelnmoose 10-24-2008 09:27 AM

Vista has to be set up properly to let other computer see and access files on it.
Make sure your Vista is configured correctly.
File and Printer Sharing in Windows Vista

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