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paula_cute 05-24-2007 02:54 AM

Virus, Worms and Torjan Horses: The difference among the three
Virus, Worms and Trojan Horses: The difference among the three

In one way or another our computers at home may have been infected by either of a virus, worms and Trojan horse but we really don't know what they are. Most of us get confused of the three thinking that they are all the same but think again. Yes they all are culprit to our computers and they make our system slow or even crash so it is good to know the different things about virus, worms and Trojans before it gets our system. So here are the low downs and the basic things you need to know about the three malicious wares or “malwares”.

Just like a human virus a computer virus can spread one computer to another since it is attached to every file or a program. This is their way of contaminating our computer system from simple files up to our hardware. Virus are usually spread by the computer user without knowing it because virus wont spread unless you open to where it is attached like executable files or also known as .exe files. An example is when you send an attached file through email containing virus, most probably the other person will get the virus as well in his or her computer once the file is open.

In addition viruses can be categorized in into four types. Boot sector viruses (common when floppy diskette were still widely used), file infectors (obviously infect files like .EXE, SYS, .PRG) macro viruses, and multi-partite (which combine infection mechanisms).

Next, a subclass of the virus is the worm. This culprit is much worst since it can replicate itself without the help of a person. Although it causes same trouble like the virus, worms can travel from one user to another through the internet most of the time. They are like gremlins who can multiply on their own. The common ways they infect our system is by getting into our email contacts and replicate itself to your list of contact which will then travel and duplicate again to your contact’s contact. Due to its replicating capabilities worm causes a slow down since it occupies our computer’s system memory. The “I Love You” was one the famous worms that we know.

Compared to the first two Trojan Horses can be much tricky or deceiving. It does not replicate or reproduce itself but it allows other malicious users or hackers to access your computers. You will sometimes be deceived by Trojans because at first you would that it came from a reliable source. Once you have opened it or downloaded it the results of this culprit can range from tweaking your desktop or worst delete files from your computer system.

Now that you have an idea of the common threats that may get through your computer, you can start avoiding them through the use of anti-virus scanners and by activating your firewall. If it’s too late then it is always good to consult at your nearest computer shop and ask for reformats before it gets even worse. Good luck!

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