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chiefblanchard 03-14-2006 09:03 PM

video problems
yes! i need help with a video problem on my computer for some reason i can not receive video clips from the internet can someone help me with this issue thanks!

ChatMod#1 03-14-2006 09:09 PM

Hey chiefblanchard. Welcome to Syschat. Ok, now of ur problem, do u have a media player, and is ur media player configured to play the file type of the media?

Risherz 03-15-2006 04:36 PM

Hello Chiefblanchard, you will need to elaborate on your problems, so that the we could help you out. There are a lot of things that can stop you from getting video clips in your computer... such as slow internet connection (well this won't stop you but it will take a while to get the videos). Your Media player might also not support getting the new video formats, in that case you might want to get the latest version of a better media player.

Another problems could be that if you are using a corporate network (or a firewall) the firewall might be blocking you from getting the videos (since it stops all outgoing internet connections).

There are also other countless things that might stop you from getting the videos, so you might want to provide more information , so that we could help you out.

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