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trappercase 03-21-2006 02:03 PM

Video Card Question?
What is the difference in an integrated video card and , say, a ATI Radeon x300 ? I chose to take the upgrade to the Radeon and I'm just wondering why I did it? :D

William_Wilson 03-21-2006 03:04 PM

In most cases integrated video, although it sounds cool, is not great at all. If you intend to play games of any calabre, a video card is crutial.
Simple put, there is minimal space on a motherboard for extras like GPUs (Graphics Processing Unit) and complicated video features. While when installing a video card, this new bit of plastic and silicon is the only limitation.
as far as word processing and solitare are conserned, any integrated will probably do now-a-days. Depending on how new your motherboad is, the x300 may not have been a huge upgrade, but it does give the mobo a little bit of a break having more memory (on the video card) to handle it's own processes. :)

Juanzo 03-21-2006 10:14 PM

That's right. Still, there are some mobos that include a decent videocard to play, not with high detail, but play at least games like San Andreas or Half-Life 2.

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