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William_Wilson 05-02-2006 01:13 PM

It is odd that nothing shows up, but this could be due to missing motherboard drivers.
you can find the drivers for your board at this page of the Intel site.
Your video adapter is listed as a Savage, but in many other places, it lists nVidia. You even read the # off of the card and it matches the nVidia, so i will continue to assume that is your card, and that your motherbaord is not recognizing it fully?
Is your monitor plugged into your video card, or directly to your motherboard?

ChatMod#1 05-03-2006 01:43 AM

Oh k. My monitor is attached to my video card. I'll post if anything happens after i download the drivers for my motherboard. Thanks again.

EDIT : William i downloaded it, but still my motherboard has no drivers in device manager.:(

William_Wilson 05-03-2006 12:25 PM

There is quite often more than one installation for motherboard drivers, my mobo has 6 or 7 different installations for usb2.0, graphics, audio, networking, etc.
If the mobo drivers installed correctly, you can try installing the video card drivers again. If it gives an error saying that it cannot find selected components or somthing to that effect then it still may not be the correct driver.

ChatMod#1 05-04-2006 01:45 AM

i did try that after i installed the driver for the mobo, but it still says it is not right.:(

ragzeeboy 08-26-2006 12:25 PM

one of the easiest
One of the easiest ways for older cards is to go to windows update.after all the garbage is loaded check the left hand pane for hardwae updates, most vendors were so keen to get on the SP2 bandwagon they posted all their driver and firmware updates there, alternatively also in the left pane click on administrator options, this opens up a huge range of hardware updates.If you have no luck there go to the best driver site on the net,,they have a great data base with filters and links to manufactures. Also another great program is Belarc analyses your system and even the freeware version lists all your hardware and software with the version ,driver ,driver version and even your windows product code. Hope this may be of help,
Cheers ragzeeboy

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