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portella 07-03-2010 04:37 PM

userinit logon application
When starting XP Proffessional, I get a popup dialog box saying "Userinit
Logon Application failed to start...." or words to that effect.
This is followed by the MS XP send report dialogue box.

The result is that the start menu, taskbar and desktop icons fail to be
displayed. These need to be maunally started by running a new task.

I have read other articles relating to Userinit.exe and searched the
knowledgbase to find a solution, but to no avail, can anyone please help.

An extract of my registry settings is as follows:

NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Userinit\C:\WINDOWS\sys tem32\userinit.exe
(notice NO coma at the end of .exe also that it is using userinit.exe)

Could you please address any replies to my email account:

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