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benzaloy 12-16-2007 05:10 AM

Unsubscribe From a Site
Some months back, over six months now, I enrolled myself in a site where you click on an ad wait for over 30 to 40 seconds and you get paid for it . . . so I was told.
I became tired of it and wanted to get out of the program.
Could not find an 'unsubscribe' link or anything else to stop the emails from there.
Now I learn it is mandatory for the web sites to allow a user to unsubscribe from a web site.
The site I am talking about is to begin with.
Please tell me how I can stop getting emails from this site.
Is there an authority to whom I can appeal to solve this problem?
Now, this raises another question : Are there any chances of my getting into an annoying situation if i report this site to an authority and the site decides to retaliate for reporting them.
Thank you.

squirrelnmoose 12-16-2007 01:12 PM

Put them in your blocked address list in your email program and forget about it.

benzaloy 12-17-2007 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by squirrelnmoose (Post 9140)
Put them in your blocked address list in your email program and forget about it.

Thanks. That advice is sound. It works. And lots of tension eased.

benzaloy 12-24-2007 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by benzaloy (Post 9145)
Thanks. That advice is sound. It works. And lots of tension eased.

Thank you. I should have explored 'Options' long before bothering you.
Your advice is working well.

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