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scarlettread 04-01-2008 02:20 PM

Ultimate Boot CD only shows 1 Utility
Hi All,
I'm tring to use the Ultimate Boot CD for the first time. However, when I boot to disk, the only utility option I see is Windows Memory Diagnostic, which works fine. Am I missing something here? What should I see with all the utilities that should be here? Thanks for any help!:confused:

squirrelnmoose 04-01-2008 04:13 PM

Here's a screen shot of what it should look like on boot.
Ultimate Boot CD - Overview

scarlettread 04-02-2008 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by squirrelnmoose (Post 10448)
Here's a screen shot of what it should look like on boot.
Ultimate Boot CD - Overview

Thanks for the quick response! I feel so stupid. My copy works was my mistake. I just don't know what all of these utilities are used for. Guess I got some reading to do.:embarrassed:

squirrelnmoose 04-02-2008 10:47 PM

Thanks for posting back.
We all make mistakes, it's nice to know we've made a mistake before we keep banging our head against the wall..

Ultimate boot cd is a great disc to keep handy before you have trouble. That way you already have the utilities when trouble occurs.

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