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Turning Off some Vista Features

By pretty.elladon
There are programs included in the Windows operating systems that are turned on by default or needs to be turned on to be able to use them. To be able to perform these actions, using earlier Windows versions, you have completely uninstall the computer to turn it off. Using Windows Vista however makes this a bit simpler. Turning off a feature doesn’t need you to uninstall as well as not lessen the hard disk space of the computer. To turn a feature off, you have to go to the Control Panel, then on Programs. From the Programs and Features section, you have the option to either turn on or off the Windows features. Or to do it faster, press the Windows key, and then enter in the word OptionalFeatures. You can check the tick box next to the option to turn it on or clear it to turn it off. It is as simple as flicking a light switch!

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