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Sami 05-17-2007 12:36 AM

Troubleshooting Computer after Dusting
Dusting a computer is one of the most important task a user must do to keep the computer alive, but sometimes problems arises after dusting. Having problems after dusting is not common since most dusting is done by blowing inside the computer unless the user take all hardware parts to clean it up.

So let’s do an after-dusting check list to find your possible problem, I'm assuming you take out all the computer parts for optimal dusting. Before we continue check the computer power cable and make sure is connected and try to turn it on, we don't want to do all the following procedures and then find that the main problem was because the computer power supply cable wasn't connected properly.

• During the dusting process did you remove any cables? Some times while dusting power cables are removed by mistake, look inside your computer motherboard to see if the small power, reset, hard drive led, etc led cables are connected to the motherboard. In case you have a lose cable check if its the power cable then get the motherboard manual to set it back, if the cable is only lose plug it in firmly and try to turn on your computer.

• Did you disconnect any power cable coming from the power supply? I assume your computer has an ATX motherboard check if the main power supply cable is connected to the motherboard, so many cables coming from the power supply, which one is it? look for the biggest power supply adapter, that adapter is the main source connection and provides power to the motherboard. If that cable is connected then that is not the problem.

Note: Most power problems are because the computer is not getting power, that's why we revise first the power supply cable connections to make sure they are not lose.

• Did you remove any adapter card, like modem, video card, or any other? Just to verify check all the adapters to see if they are properly inserted into the PCI slots, a lose adapter won't prevent from a computer to power up but just in case check all of them. If they are inserted properly let move to the next possible problem.

• Did you remove the processor and cooling fan to clean it? In case you did, make sure the processor and cooling fan are inserted the right position. If by accident you damage the processor while reinstalling it back that means you have to buy a new one and the reasons why the computer won't start.

• Did you disconnect the Hard Drive? This won't prevent to power up but will prevent to load up your operating system, check the power and IDE cables and make sure they are connected properly.

• And for last let’s try to reset the CMOS Chip jumper - Since you have the computer case open; do you see a small blue jumper? Well is blue on some motherboards and since I don't know what motherboard brand you are using go to your computer motherboard manual to locate the CMOS reset jumper. The jumper will look exactly as the one you are looking right now, after you locate the jumper change the jumper location from 2 and 3 to 1 and 2 or vice versa for one minute to clear up the motherboard CMOS setting. After you have done that try to turn one the computer to see if power up. If yes congratulation your computer is fixed now.

I hope this tutorial helped you in case you need more help If this tutorial was very helpful you can visit our website below

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