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bittersweet_envy 01-07-2007 07:45 AM

Trouble with usb external harddrive
I just purchased a external harddrive for my laptop and it came with very vauge intructions on how to use it. it is driverless for windows xp but still will not show up as a drive on my computer. i'm not a computer expert i may have followed the instructions incorrectly. any ideas or instructions on how to work the device? thanks!!

William_Wilson 01-07-2007 02:09 PM

do you use any other usb devices? eg, are your drivers up to date?
Also do you have SP2?
When you plug it in, does anything happen? have you connected the power/usb cables correctly?

bittersweet_envy 01-07-2007 07:48 PM

I do have other usb devices and they work just fine. i'm not exactly computer literate... what is SP2? I know i've connected the cables correctly and when I plug it in it sees the hardware but the drive doesnt show up in 'my computer' or anywhere else.

William_Wilson 01-08-2007 02:06 AM

did the drive come with a cd or any drivers?
SP2 = Service Pack 2, I was guessing that you are running XP, but I could be wrong.

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