phatczat | 12-25-2009 04:49 PM | Tricky Utility softwae I purchased a sotware named fix-It Utilities 10 professional. the software informed me one day that my hardrive was clutttered, did i want the software to unclutter my hardrive drive. Of course I said yes. The software informed me that it would "back up" certain files. however, the software deleted certain files, or stored them somewhere on the harddrive where I cannot access them. When I click on MS Office in my programs, if says {empty}, when I click on my windows tools(e.g., disk fragmenter, etc.) I cannot. When I click on tools the box says emty. How do I place my files back into the proper folders, or will I have to get Windows XP re-installed, and lose all my programs and software. Ii need help.:(:(:help: |