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Opeth 02-27-2006 09:36 PM

Toughbook from Panasonic?
I couldn't find a more suitable forum to ask this, so if any mod's decide to move it, please do :)

I recently watched a tv ad from a new kind of notebooks called Toughbook. They are expensive, but if they really do what they say, I think more than one (including myself) will consider getting one.

Has anyone tried or have any of these?

ChatMod#1 02-28-2006 01:33 AM

Wat was the ad about? Can you give more details?

Firefox 03-05-2006 02:18 PM

Tough Books are not actually new, they have been around for years and sold to the military and companies that really need hard wearing laptops. The ones advertised now are just an updated version. The system itself is not all that different from a normal laptop, it's just in a durable case. If anything the toughbook laptops I have used are worse spec than a normal laptop, because the case is quite thick, but the laptop is normal sized, so the internal space suffers. Plus parts are alot more expensive than normal.

If you need a toughbook, then ok, buy one. But if you just want one because they look cool then stay clear of WILL regret it.

ChatMod#1 03-06-2006 01:21 AM

Oh k. Why would you need laptop's that are being used by the military. You will only need it like if u r in the army or something to protect it from something happening to it.

Firefox 03-06-2006 09:13 AM

Not just the military use them, they are drop proof, water resistant and have been tested to withstand something like 100,000,000 key presses before they break so they are very good for people who work outdoors, or on oil rigs etc, but for normal Joe Public, I wouldn't advise spending the extra cash, for a few perks.

ChatMod#1 03-07-2006 01:32 AM

I agree. Unless you are going to use it for heavy-duty stuff, i dont think there is not much use in buying these comps. I would suggest buying a normal, but pretty modded good comp for that price.

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