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mussa 06-25-2009 12:09 PM

Toshiba laptop Help REQUIRE TO reset CMOS
I have a TOSHIBA LAPTOP that I bought used. when i start it up IT REQUIRE ME TO reset CMOS. . HP refuses to help because it's not registered to me because I bought it at a pawn shop. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on what shall i do? Thanks

hardhead 06-27-2009 09:57 AM

I am not a pro technician and all I know is what I have personally experienced or been told to by friends. I have never heard that CMOS required to be reset. And why would HPhelp you with a Toshiba?

In some instances (even laptops) there is an onboard battery installed on the motherboard. To clear the CMOS, remove all power sources, including battery for laptops and any self powered USB hubs that are connected, then open the computer and remove the onboard battery for about 10 minutes or so and it will reset itself.

Opening a laptop can be risky as there is an opportunity to cause damage to the cabling and other components. I have found that on some laptops the battery is actually on the underside of the motherboard and can sometimes be accessible through the harddrive opening or the memory door, or even the CD rom when these components are removed.

There is no reference to the removing the CMOS battery for Toshiba products. Good Luck

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