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ThumbWin for Windows XP

By R2D2
There is no person today that doesn’t do multitasking. Since the first moment we turn the PC on, we listen to music, chat with our friends, write emails, essays etc., at the same time. This can be a problem if you are working on Windows XP, because when you minimize the windows the try to fit in the task bar as a crowd in a bus. Sometimes you have problems to find the window you need at the moment, so you start clicking and clicking... and clicking.

ThumbWin is software that makes that clicking part disappear. It creates thumbnails of every window you have opened and minimized.

Name:  tumb7b.jpg
Views: 845
Size:  52.2 KBName:  tumb6c.jpg
Views: 852
Size:  56.7 KB

It makes it easier to find what you want, which can save you time and nerves.
You can choose the size of the thumbnails, where you want to put them, which ones to be shown and even hide all at the same time. Be careful just not to forget to minimize the windows one by one.

You can download the software from here

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