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melinda 01-05-2006 01:14 AM

thinking about buying a labtop
after I can afford it with my job, I'm thinking about buying a (used) lab top.
Would you recomend Toshiba or Dell? Also do you know of any new lab tops within the $500-$700 price range?
Thank you,

melinda 01-05-2006 11:09 PM

dell inspiron
for $499? I just heard it on a commercial, and I honestly couldn't believe it. but it seems too good to be true. Has anyone else heard about this great deal and could they give me a link to it if they find it?
thanks in advance,

BMFX 01-12-2006 02:21 AM

Heres The Deal,

The Price They Are Showing Is Normally A 80 GB Harddrive, 256 MB of Ram, A Low Prosscer (Spelling). Best Thing I Would Do Is Keep Saving, FOr A Good Laptop That You Can ReallY Do Things On Would Be Around $2,000 - 2,500.

I AM PErsonly Looking To AllienWare, 200 GB Harddrive, 2 GB Ram, AMD 3700 + ( Or Something ) But Cost 4,000.

I Guess It Matters What YoU Wnat To Use For In The End.

redz 01-13-2006 03:56 PM

i would recommend out of your choices to get the toshiba. I have already purchased 2 toshiba laptops this year and they are fenominal. They both come with satelite recivers. Great wide screens, and everything for low price ranges. My recommendation is the toshiba.

Missie 02-08-2006 03:37 PM

How much is an average toshiba? Also what can they do?

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