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The best laptop Brand? What do you think is the best laptop brand? Personally IBM (now Lenovo) has been the best so far for me. What is your favorite laptop brand? |
I have supported Dell in serveral organizations and they always have been pretty reliable as far as the corporate line of Laptops. |
I personally prefer Dell and Acer, but Sony is also becoming a favourite of mine. I really can't choose between these three. |
I currently own a 2nd hand dell, that must be 5-6yrs old easy, and it's the best thing i've ever owned.. well maybe 2nd to my iPod, but tha'ts beside the point. Dell is a decent company i have dealt with them on many occasions, if was ever to buy a pre-built computer they would definatly be in teh consideration column. Quality parts and reasonable prices, they try to meet the market in the middle and offer upgrades to suit anyone. Yes Sony is quickly gaining respect on the laptop market. I recently had the prvilage to 'play' with a Vaio and they certainly don't disappoint. I am anxious to see what they have up there sleeves. |
Acer acer is not as well known as the other brands but for mid-range portable computing i have found that there laptops provide the best value for money |
My husband recently got a Lenovo or whatever it is. American Express had a special deal over Christmas and he took advantage of it. It has like thumb-print recognition for security. He is very happy with it. He won't let me play with it, though, so I can not give any first hand feedback. |
i really use , like , handle , support ... DELL because it is the most reliable laptop i ever seen . the one that i don't know about it is SONY i think it is the best one but it is very expensive |
You can't beat Sony! Sony without a doubt, you've only got to look at all the hardware they make! If there behind on anything that there sticking there nose in on, then it won't be long before they catch up and do a great job, and I never have to think about wether it is going to be reliable, they certainly know what they're doing! Martin |
I've professionally worked with Compaq/HP, Dell, and now IBM (lenovo). As far as durability and quality goes, I would say IBM has the others beat. But they lack a little design (which is up for taste I suppose) and usability. HP laptops for the business market are relatively nice, but very average in all respects. Dell laptops have a nice look, good service, good quality, and great displays. They also offer slightly better performance laptops than the others do for the same price. As for most other brands, I am not so sure they work in a corporate environment with their service network and small customer centric approach. They sometimes offer slightly better value, but almost always less quality. Yet I must agree that Sony is working hard on becoming better than the rest. (By the way, hi!) |
This may sound trite...not meant to be ;) If available, I would try to find out, which make and model affords the user the least trouble... re: Compaq Presario...it was an introductory offer, and I could afford it, and it has turned out well for me...mind you, I don't use it much ;) These are just some of the issues that pop into my head as I mull over the issue: 1. any recalls? ...for what? 2. battery life? ...any issues? 3. ease of repair? ...can you do some of the things yourself? 4. ease of access to repair facility? ...can you physically get there or do you have to mail it somewhere? 5. access to repair techies? ...are they affable...freely advise...? 6. cost of repairs? ...reasonable for the time and effort spent? 7. ease of use? ...command keys, access to keys, clear understanding...? 8. warranty? ...the longer the better! 9. warranty coverage? ...the more items and situations covered the better! 10. "history" of product? ...has the "brand" always had a good reputation? 11. viability of the company making the unit? ...is, has, or will the Comp. be going under new or revised management...thus affecting the "quality" of the product...? 12. customer satisfaction? 13. price? Logically, this should be first, but sometimes paying more is worth the short term pain ;) for long term gain... |
If talking about corporate laptops, I think you should pay a lot of attention to a few things that you may care less about for a personal laptop. one of them is durability. Whenever a laptop breaks down this causes the need for a replacement for the user, who is affected because he is missing those few little applications, or this handy little tool he always uses. Often you will see that the user loses a day of productivity. Murphy's law dictates that the laptop that breaks is for that critical person for that one project. So losing the time for him means that the project is delayed by a day. Price over quality is normally not really an argument, because the laptops are close in terms of price range. Another thing that I care about is the ease of installing drivers and software. How compatible are the machines and how easy is it to maintain a set of drivers for all laptops you are using in the corporate installation image? If you have good hardware standardization, you can maintain installs easier. If the drivers are made available through an easy to use system that makes your update management easier. Saving you time and time is money. Then there is the point of service. What happens when a laptop breaks, how quick does the service employee respond, do they have things such as temporary replacements so you do not have to keep a surplus in stock? How well do they deliver on their SLA's? Other things that are commonly important are weight, battery life, standard warranty (although what you really need to know is what the 3 year full warranty plan costs), delivery time for new orders, perception of the brand (otherwise you get complaining managers that heard we are using the "wrong" brand), serviceability (there should be a service manual with all serviceable parts available through PDF from the vendor's site), and availability of spare parts. Price is not important I think, as the true cost of a laptop in a corporate environment is not determined by the initial cost of the laptop, but by the cost for using it over a period of three years. (Always replace hardware after three years, whether the user likes it or not ;-) ) |
But What About Third World Country like Bangladesh In Our Country Acer And Compaq Is The Most Popular Because It Is Cheap |
I like HP and Dell because currently I’m using HP laptop and still it is working pretty well. |
No doubt Toshiba is the best brand. I’ve been using my Toshiba laptop for 5 years. |
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