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vietnamstyle89 04-13-2012 03:53 AM

The Best 64bit Software...
I currently use zone alarm free and firefox 2, What are the best free firewall and browser for windows xp 64? Thanks!

Ive put together a few programs that work with windows xp 64....

List So Far:
Maya 64bit
3ds max 64bit
Avast! Antivirus

RayP 04-30-2012 06:09 AM

As for the browser, I also use Mozilla...To my mind, it's suitable for every operating system and it's one of the quickest I've ever tried);)

mhookem 05-22-2012 10:54 AM

Hello RayP. I haven't moved over to 64 bit on anything yet. Even my new notebook is dual core 32 bit.
I used to use Firefox all the time, but have recently moved over to Googles' Chrome.
This is mainly due to the new HTML and CSS and Firefox is still a kittke behind.
Have you tried it on a 64 bit machine?
Experience any problems with Firefox compared to Chrome if you have?

It would be good to hear of any problems if any.



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