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outofbreath 03-28-2006 09:13 AM

Strange behaviour in a Windows based network.
Not sure if anyone else has experienced this strangeness.

Seems when you network Windows machines they will not immediately show up on the network. Takes sometimes 10-15minutes to get online. Especially prevalent the problem is when networking between various Win 98, 2k and Xp machines.

This is using hand picked ficticious IP addresses.

Sami 03-28-2006 11:35 PM

This a common problem in Windows XP that makes network browsing very slow.

If the 'My Network Places' folder contains a shortcut to a network share, then each refresh of the explorer window will attempt to read icon information from every file in the remote location, causing the system to slow to a crawl.

Removing all shortcuts from 'My Network Places' will return the system response to normal.

You can prevent the automatic addition of shortcuts by setting

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoRecentDocsNetHood to 1
Also check out this check out microsoft's knowledge base article

841978 The Explorer.exe process stops responding when you use network shortcuts in Windows XP

To work around this problem, create and use network shortcuts outside My Network Places.

outofbreath 03-30-2006 10:11 AM

Thanks for the tip!

I think it is working a bit faster now. :)

Microsoft Knowledge Base does have many useful articles.

Risherz 03-31-2006 12:52 AM

And here's another little quick tip that is probably going to speed up the network browsing a little bit more.
Basically what it does it gets rid of the scheduled task check so it works more faster. So if you don't really use the scheduled task feature, like me then you won't probably need it and I think it is good to get rid of it...

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