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benzaloy 12-27-2007 06:19 PM

Start Up Free Commander
After 'Free Commander' was installed in my Laptop my ease of navigating between programs is dramatically improved. Though I do not know most of the functions provided in it I am highly satisfied with having 'My Documents' and 'Desk Top' in its two panels and getting a particular file with a click and within 3 seconds the most.

I enjoy writing and getting at files was a laborious process in the past, so much so it turns me into a mood of murderer of laptop. Now it's a breeze.

Could you please tell me how to make 'Free Commander' start up on its own as I start my laptop, just as the 'live messenger' does.

squirrelnmoose 12-28-2007 06:28 AM

Copy the program shortcut to your startup folder.
Adding programs to your Startup Folder « Tech–for Everyone

benzaloy 12-28-2007 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by squirrelnmoose (Post 9188)
Copy the program shortcut to your startup folder.
Adding programs to your Startup Folder « Tech–for Everyone

Thank you snm (squirrelnmoose) for the usual quick response. Is it that I am the only chump who worries you with Qns? Hope not and you are adept at handling Qns than I imagine.
The link you gave me showed me how to place a short cut in Start Menu.
But it did not tell me how to make 'Free Commander' open automatically when I open my machine.
The mesenger opens with no clicks or any sort of effort from me.
That's exactly what I want.
Thank you,

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