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robyn 05-12-2011 12:17 AM

Start menu icon
When I use the start menu icon it only appears when I arrow over it and disappears shortly after, it always used to remain on the screen permanently but now doesn't. Any suggestions how to make it stay visable. That is the start and items in use icons at bottom of screen.

Regards Robyn

DominicD 05-12-2011 02:01 AM

taskbar auto hide and lock
hi Robyn

1. try locking the taskbar
right click on the taskbar, and select "Lock the Taskbar"

2. then disable the auto-hide settings -- right-click on the taskbar, click Properties, and make sure that the auto-hide settings is unchecked

robyn 05-12-2011 09:08 AM

Thanks Domonic
You solved that issue for me, I knew that it would be something simple but just couldn't work it out.
Your explanation was easy to follow and spot on
Thanks again

delocknomean 12-30-2011 12:59 AM

I think that there is some virus and you have to remove virus from your computer, so you install any anti virus software to remove virus from your computer, there are so many anti virus such as Avira, McAfee, Kaspersky, Quick heal antivirus etc.

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