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carby4ever 07-27-2006 07:31 PM

sound problems
Hey, I dowloaded a video file in .rar format, extracted and tried to play it with windows media but I couldn't get any audio. I get a message saying that codec labialised by format 2000 is not on and I can't get it from internet. can anyone help me please?!:confused:

Firefox 08-08-2006 06:18 PM

Try downloading a copy of VLC media player. As long as the movie is not a .wma file it should work fine. I've never had a video not play sound in VLC but loads wont play properly in WM.

dream_hunt 08-09-2006 06:10 AM

Just Install WINRAR
Just Installing the WINRAR Compression Software will solve your problem. Simply Extract the file and try running it. It will run with no problem.

Risherz 08-09-2006 01:01 PM

Well, like Firefox said VLC usually works best in such situations. It plays almost anything mostly. However, if you do want to still use Windows Media Player etc, then you might want to consider getting more Codecs (or codec packs) like this one might (it isn't guaranteed) do the trick for you. But remember that the more codecs that you have on your computer the slower your computer is going to become.

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