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Nitram 06-13-2009 02:04 PM

Sony Vaio Hardware Drivers
My woodturning club has a Vaio PCG-72DL. No one knows where we go it and there are no support disks, etc. I have replaced the hard drive and installed Windows XP Home (for which there is a license sticker).

Two problems: 1) The license key is not accepted.
2) The wireless card is not recognized, nor is the video card (it's running a generic driver.)

I have searched the Sony site, but the model is no longer supported, and numerous other sites with no luck.

Can anyone help me with these issues?

Thanks in advance,

lurkswithin 06-15-2009 02:41 PM

the info that you gave seems to be in conflict with what I can determine. Doing a google search the model Vaio PCG-72DL. that you posted is actually a VGNFS730W

Please check the tags on the laptop very carefully and look for the reference numbers I just gave you.

You can go here and try to compare if they are indeed one and the same!
Sony eSupport - VGN-FS730/W - Software Updates & Drivers

Nitram 06-15-2009 04:56 PM

Many thanks Lurksmith. That is the solution, although the VGN model number does not appear on the laptop.


lurkswithin 06-15-2009 05:04 PM

It is possible that the laptop was a special promotion from a third party seller as a prize give away or business bonus giveaway or specific sales promotion from best buy or target or any other vendor.

As a specific promotional item there would be a different model and no service from Sony covering it. Which is why there was nothing listed under that model!

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