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Some more Vista Shortcuts

By juls.dave
Shortcuts provide easy access to a lot of programs without moving your hand from the keyboard. It not only saves time but may impress your boss as well. Here are some that you can put to use.
F11 – Maximize or minimize the active window.
Num Lock + Asterisk (*) on numeric keypad - Shows all subfolders under the selected folder.
Num Lock + Plus Sign (+) on numeric keypad - Shows the contents of the selected folder.
Num Lock + Minus Sign (-) on numeric keypad - MInimizes the selected folder.
Alt + D - Selects the Address bar.
Vista Shortcuts While Working in a Dialogue Box
Ctrl + Tab - Move forward through tabs.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab - Move back through tabs.
Tab - Move forward through options.
Shift + Tab - Move back through options.
Alt + Underlined Letter - Perform the command that goes with that letter.
Spacebar - Select or clear the checkbox if the active option is a checkbox.
Arrow Keys - Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons.

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