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katapilla 05-17-2006 10:07 AM

slow start up
my computer takes 20 minutes to start up and i dont know why i have scanned it time and time again and it brings nothing up.
can anyone help xxxxx:icon_rolleyes:

Thumperfive 05-17-2006 02:12 PM

that just sounds SO wrong... it shouldn't take that much time for anyting!

give us more details - what are you running and all the details you can lump into this space... is it an old computer, did you buy it used or inherit it from a friend?

Sami 05-17-2006 03:33 PM

Try these tips below:

Windows XP Performance Tips

How to remove Auto-Startup programs using Msconfig

How to Correct System Hang at Startup

Speed up network browsing in XP

And let us know how it effected your startup time.

William_Wilson 05-18-2006 12:51 AM

woah... i'm upset when my startup takes over 20s... Sami's tips will certainly be the answer assuming you compter can go faster:)

Risherz 05-21-2006 05:57 AM

There is a good utility called Bootvis from Microsoft, which speeds up your computers boot time greatly (not that much though... for me it was about 10s faster).

When you download bootvis open it up and on the menubar click on Trace > Optimize system. You can also of course check how well your system does while booting using the other tools. And also try to get rid of all the junk on your system using a program such as CCleaner or something like that. And I'm sure that you defrag your hard drive, however just incase you don't make sure to take a look at 5 Simple Ways To Increase Your Computer Speed

hvac_man_2006 05-29-2006 09:14 PM

slow start up
when i turn my computer on it takes 10 min. from the time I turn the comp. power on to it gets to windows XP. Is there any way I can speed up the process.

Sami 05-29-2006 11:43 PM

Hi hvac man,

Please follow the instructions in the posts above.

Mosallaiee 05-30-2006 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by katapilla
my computer takes 20 minutes to start up and i dont know why i have scanned it time and time again and it brings nothing up.
can anyone help xxxxx:icon_rolleyes:

Hi Katapilla

If you have Win XP . You can do :
1. Create Free Space in Partition C .
2. Install programs in other partition if you have!!!
3. Defrag C
4. Stop some service in Win XP like :
. Logical Disk Manager
. Remote Registery
. Task Scheduler
. and some one else that make your system works faster
5. Off any resident program in memory

I think it works better
with best wishes

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