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Mikefolan 01-27-2008 05:09 PM

Setting Up A Wireless Network With Windows Vista
I recently purchased a Sony Vaio with a wireless capabilities. When I went to setup a wireless network with my desktop to share files and Internet access I ran into a few problems. For any of you out there that are having trouble setting up your Windows Vista network, you need not to worry as I went through all of the frustration that is involved so that you don't have to. So for all of my trouble, here is a step by step guide for you to follow.

Step 1

First and foremost you need to make sure that your computer or laptop has a wireless device either attached to it or installed internally. A lot of new computers and laptops now come with these preinstalled. On my latop I have the wireless technology preinstalled, whereas my desktop computer hadn't, so I had to buy a wireless router to connect it to a wireless network. If you are connecting to a wireless network with your wireless router make sure that you install the drivers for the router first.

Step 2

Once you have the the router and drivers installed you need to configure you access point or router to the correct settings. To do this you should follow your manual as routers can sometimes vary. For most routers if you type into your browser it will give the router setup page. You will be prompted for a username and password, these can be found with your manual. Once you have loaded the setup page you can click on the wireless tab and setup the networks SSID, which is the networks name i.e. Home Network, James Network, to make it easier from here on in we will use the name WLANHome. Then set the password. When you are selecting the security type there are 2 different types WEP and WPA. If you have the option, select WPA as it is a newer and more secure form of protecting for you wireless network. Click the wireless network icon in the notification area in the task bar. You will be presented by the connect to a network window. Select the WLANHome network and click on connect.

Step 3

If your are connecting to a network that is unsecured you will get a warning screen. If you are connecting to a public network, such as in a hotel or public area that offers free wireless Internet, you are connecting to the network at your own risk as this is considered unsafe. Most public networks are like this otherwise users would not be able to connect to it. If you are sure that you want to connect to the network click "Connect anyway".

Step 4

Once you access your network you will be asked for a security key or passphrase. Enter the security key that you entered on the router setup screen. Click save this network so that the next time you power up your PC or laptop in the area it will automatically connect you. The computer will then verify the passphrase and then it will ask you if you are connected to a public network or a home network or a work network, select the option which best suits your situation. If you are in a public place select the public option as this will prevent other users from see your files. Now you are connected to the network, Congratulations!!

Sometimes you might run into a few problems, just follow the on-screen instructions and vista will sort the problem out itself or will advise you on how to do so.

For more great tips and advice visit

Hope to see you there,


lurkswithin 01-27-2008 07:29 PM

Nice article but i think there is a confusing error. I have yet to see or know of a ROUTER that needs drivers installed.

Wombat 01-27-2008 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by lurkswithin (Post 9534)
Nice article but i think there is a confusing error. I have yet to see or know of a ROUTER that needs drivers installed.

The only drivers I know to install are the drivers for the integrated nic on the mobo.

My NetComm NB9w router does not use drivers either...

Firefox 02-24-2008 05:28 PM

I believe that he is talking about the setup CD that your get from the ISP.
Not drivers. :)

lurkswithin 02-24-2008 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Firefox (Post 9955)
I believe that he is talking about the setup CD that your get from the ISP.
Not drivers. :)

That is a strong possibility but if one is going to post a step by step installation proceedure for doing something then it should be self explainatory without the need of additional questions. I merely mentioned it so that (in hopes) the original poster would step in and clarify the proceedures.


If you are connecting to a wireless network with your wireless router make sure that you install the drivers for the router first.
1) A router Does Not require the installation of drivers

2)A wireless router DOES NOT connect to a wireless network...the connecting to a network (wirelessly or not) is done through a modem or a networking card (NIC)

3) a router will manage or build (by assigning seperate sub addresses)a network (wireless or not) but it does not locate or connect to any other networks (exception.... for specifally designed business application)

Wombat 02-24-2008 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Firefox (Post 9955)
I believe that he is talking about the setup CD that your get from the ISP.
Not drivers. :)

My isp does not supply a setup cdrom. what do you need a setup cd for?

All you have to do is put in your username and password for the ISP, and in my case my user details for my VOIP service...

lurkswithin 02-24-2008 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Wombat (Post 9958)
My isp does not supply a setup cdrom. what do you need a setup cd for?

All you have to do is put in your username and password for the ISP, and in my case my user details for my VOIP service...

In America, the ISP's supply an installation CD that gives then step by step instructions on how to do what you just said mate!!:sbiggrin:

Wombat 02-24-2008 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by lurkswithin (Post 9961)
In America, the ISP's supply an installation CD that gives then step by step instructions on how to do what you just said mate!!:sbiggrin:

Muhawaaaaa hahahahahahaahahahahahahahah... :tongue:

What ever happened to RTFM...

lurkswithin 02-25-2008 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Wombat (Post 9962)
Muhawaaaaa hahahahahahaahahahahahahahah... :tongue:

What ever happened to RTFM...

Reading the manual became the epiphany of the American peoples...why bother when someone else will do it for you!

Wombat 02-25-2008 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by lurkswithin (Post 9972)
Reading the manual became the epiphany of the American peoples...why bother when someone else will do it for you!

Your not wrong Lurks, there's a lot of it around...

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