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edgreenz 10-10-2007 11:15 PM

Sata hard drive problem
After several months of frustration with Vista and then learning that you can't go back I was considering a reformat and reload my original os.. Then to top it off my computer went belly up and took a one year old monitor (View sonic) with it. I couldn't tell wether the cpu had failed or the mother board so I replaced both and bought a new monitor. Before I did this I tried the monitor on another computer. The srceen alternates between all white and black so I was sure of it's demise.
Now for my problem. I put two new sata hard drives in positions 1 & 2. During the loading of the os I partitioned one of the drives with about 100gb for the os and the balance for storage. I did the same for the other and loaded an os on it as well (xp home). When you clic on the hard drive in my computer it only shows the first partition and nothing else. It seems as if 140gb has been lost somewhere. In device mnanager it says for one of the drives "capacity 238472, unallocated space 1384762, the balance is what I can use. The other drive has a similar message. I even tried to reload xp and reformat the drive but in the setup location for this action it to shows only part of the drives capacity./ What gives and how is this fixed.

Mikeg 10-21-2007 02:59 AM

I would like to help you but I need a clearer picture of what your talking about. Can you take a screen capture of XP disk managment.

Click Start > Run and type diskmgmt.msc in the Open: line and click OK. The Disk Management snap-in will open. (Capture this screen when it comes up)

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