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krazymarvin 06-05-2007 11:48 PM

sata hard drive cant run xp
i got a brand new 200gb sata hard drive and when i install xp, first the formating takes for ever and when all the files are ready to install and it boots up the xp screen showen with the loadind bar in the middle dosent go away, i left it up for like 30min but still nothing. pls help

mhookem 06-06-2007 07:01 AM

Hello. did you manage to install your raid drivers correctly as XP doesn't contain the necessary drivers on the setup disc?

Check your bios to see if it's registered and change the settings to auto.

During the XP setup you get the option to press F6 to install additional drivers, you should have the drivers on your motherboards' CD and you can try installing them first. But if this doesn't work then you'll have to take them off of the CD and put them onto a floppy disk and install them during setup.

Letme know how you get on.



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