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benzaloy 02-15-2008 02:44 AM

Safe List of Senders in Windows
Please clarify this for me. I may have an email in my 'junk' folder.
When I click on 'Mark as Safe' a notification in yellow appears:
" Your list of safe senders is full. To add more, remove addresses until there are fewer than 250 safe senders. "

How do I comply with this instruction?

Anther one: When I do not want to get email from a site I copy and paste its
url in the 'block sender' box.
Incidently, it was an advise given me by SnM.
In some cases am told: " This cannot be performed as the sender is in your 'Safe List'."

How do I access this 'safe list' to eleminate the offensive sender?

Thank you very much,

squirrelnmoose 02-15-2008 03:09 AM

What email client and service are you using?
e.g. are you using a service like, hotmailm yahoo, or gmail and how are you accessing mail, website, outlook, thunderbird ?

benzaloy 02-15-2008 03:14 AM

I got the email asking me what email am using . . . but can't see it here.
I am using hotmail.

Wombat 02-15-2008 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by benzaloy (Post 9803)
I got the email asking me what email am using . . . but can't see it here.
I am using hotmail.

Very strange indeed, I have been using Hotmail for 10 years and I have never seen the Mark As Safe function in all that time.

Are you sure your using Hotmail...

squirrelnmoose 02-15-2008 04:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Wombat, have you switched to the new Live Mail interface?
I can't remember if it was part of the old interface, I think so but not sure.
It is in the new Live Mail, under options.

benzaloy, you can allow an e-mail address or a domain (the part of an e-mail address after the @ sign).
Maybe that will cut down on the number of individual address's. If you have several from the same domain, take out the specific address's and add just the doamin.
Maybe increasing your junk mail detection setting will help eliminate some spam too.

benzaloy 02-15-2008 05:49 PM

Safe List of Senders in Windows
Ref your advice, given below:

" allow an e-mail address or a domain (the part of an e-mail address after the @ sign).
Maybe that will cut down on the number of individual address's. If you have several from the same domain, take out the specific address's and add just the doamin.
Maybe increasing your junk mail detection setting will help eliminate some spam too. "

Your well intended advice isn't enough for this slow learner. Please tell me
where I 'allow' this domain. I get the drift, if I allow '@gmail' then all emails thru will enter 'Inbox' safely.
If am right there, then on what do I click to reach the place to 'allow' the 'domain'?
Please see the 2nd part of your middle sentence, where do I find this 'safe list' to add the 'domain'.?
Do i add the domain with or w/o the '@'?
The crux of the matter SnM, where is this enigmatic 'Safe List' please?
BTW, if I 'allow', when I find my 'safe list', that is, 'hotmail' domain wouldn't all the hotmail emails creep into my Inbox? Some tricky point that I am missing the catch !
Trust Wombat is ok with your hint.

Wombat 02-15-2008 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by squirrelnmoose (Post 9812)
Wombat, have you switched to the new Live Mail interface?
I can't remember if it was part of the old interface, I think so but not sure.
It is in the new Live Mail, under options.

I'm using the new version, M$ have in there usual fashion buried it.

I can see why I prefer to use Gmail as my web based email of choice.

You cannot use just *, it will not allow it as I just tried it. you have to put a full email address in...

benzaloy 02-15-2008 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by squirrelnmoose (Post 9802)
What email client and service are you using?
e.g. are you using a service like, hotmailm yahoo, or gmail and how are you accessing mail, website, outlook, thunderbird ?

I am using Hotmail. To the 2nd part of your Qn, I do not know the answer.
But am not using outlook, thunderbird. Th4 it has to be: Website.

thanks, ben

benzaloy 02-15-2008 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Wombat (Post 9822)
I'm using the new version, M$ have in there usual fashion buried it.

I can see why I prefer to use Gmail as my web based email of choice.

You cannot use just *, it will not allow it as I just tried it. you have to put a full email address in...

Thank you Wombat. I appreciate your guidance. But, pal, this horsey is a blindy. So you got to shove its face in the trough too.

Could you please tell us how you dug out that nugget 'M$'. Sounds nice one to try

Thank you, Sir,
ben aloysius

squirrelnmoose 02-16-2008 12:02 AM

If you put just the domain after the @ hotmail will accept this and add the symbol when it adds it to the list. (e.g. not

Looking for the safe list? Log into the hotmail website, look on the right side. There is a small button labeled Options. In there you will find the junk mail settings.

Gmail is good, love the Google calndar! Yahoo's new mail interface is very good too. It is very much like using a desktop app and it will check several other mail accounts for you too.

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