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benzaloy 02-16-2008 02:26 AM

Please bear with me. As I understand your advise, I merely enter the domain name w/o the '@' symbol. This means I enter the words '' in the box that controls the list of 'blocked senders'. Does this not amount to blocking all emails from 'hotmail' users?
I wish to settle this Qn 1st and then go to the change of domain for emails from hotmail to gmail. I have an account for gmail, But was not brave enough to say 'yes' when it asked if I wanted to change domain. I was afraid I will lose all contacts with everybody.
Thank you, SnM, you are kind. Yes I know the 'options' button. I have used it many atimes.

squirrelnmoose 02-18-2008 12:17 AM

You are correct, if you enter in the blocked senders list it will block all mail from any hotmail account. If your blocked address list is full (250) and you can not remove any or condense them with the domain then you will have to find another solution for filtering junk mail.

If you are considering switching to another or additional email service, like gmail or yahoo, you can export your contacts from hotmail to a CSV file then import them into the new email provider.

benzaloy 02-18-2008 01:11 AM

Safe List in Windows
I have begun the process of converting to [email protected]
Took your advice here. Gmail is a better proposition. But too colourful
for my taste. Haven't any choice. Yahoo is gaudy.
This CVS file is a vast subject, I find. Even Wikipedia isn't happy with its information. I can never master even the basics. Will not need it as I can feed my contat addresses into Gmail individualy, from saved 'Contact List' in Note Pad.

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