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trappercase 03-16-2006 10:38 PM

Router problem
I have a problem with my wired router. I have two computers hooked up to it and quite often (5-6 times an hour) a window pops up and says "dialing isp", even though I've been online all along. I just hit cancel and continue on as normal. It's kkind of annoying. Any thoughts?

a_brewsy 03-17-2006 02:30 PM

not sure
cant garentee anything mate but have you tried to reinstall the drivers and/or the router

Sami 03-17-2006 11:41 PM

Hi Trappercase,

I think its not a router problem, some thing is trying to connect to Internet and is invoking your dial up connection to connect.

I would suggest that you install a personal firewall. This will tell you what's trying to connect out, and also what's trying to connect in. You can download ZoneAlarm Personal Edition which is free.

William_Wilson 03-18-2006 12:13 AM

I'm with Sami on this one,
When a router is setup in most cases, you probably entered your connection information into it. It can connect all on it's own... which means it would not notify you, except for the local area connection icon. It sounds like a program or programs asking for internet privileges, and attempting through dialup instead of the router. Programs which I have found do this are:
-Wiindows Media Player
-some drive imaging tools such as alcohol120% or dameon tools

*A firewall would definatley pin point the offending program(s) then you can deal with it directly

Risherz 03-18-2006 03:06 AM

I agree with all of the above posts and getting a firewall should pin point the things out. My guess is that it is probably your anti-virus or something (like NetDectect of Symantec) or just some application trying to update it self. Here are some few other things that you can try that might help you as well, because even if you find what application is doing it, you might not want to get rid of it.

1.) Go to Start > My Network places > Right click on the connections that you don't use (i.e. if under the dial- up section) and click on Cancel as default connection (if it had a check mark on top of the computer icon).
2. You can also try this to turn of auto dial.... Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet Connections > Network Connections > Advanced (on the menu bar)> Dial up preferences... > Autodial tab > Uncheck "Enable Autodial by location" then check "Always ask me before autodialling" and "disable autodial when I am logged on"
Click OK...

however you are most likely going to get rid of this annoying problem with a firewall so you don't need the steps above...

trappercase 03-18-2006 11:40 PM

Thanks a lot guys. I'll try these suggestions out and let you know.

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