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dwarkarao 11-19-2009 09:28 PM

Repair Bad Sectors On Your Hard Drive Without Any Software
Bad sectors are actually that part of the hard disks which are permanently damaged and cannot be used for at its full potential. Such bad sectors are usually detected by the programs such as SCANDISK or CHKDSK.

These programs actually identify the bad sectors and mark them, this helps the operating systems to skip them while it does operations.

And you need not install any third party software to detect and mark the bad sectors created on your hard disk of your computer. Windows operating system offers a hard disk utility software by default which enables you to detect the bad sectors and similar errors on your hard drive and repair them.

Below are the steps to use this utility:
  1. Open the MY COMPUTER in the Windows Explorer
  2. Now select the partition that you are willing to repair.
  3. Now, right click on that particular partition and click on PROPERTIES
  4. Now, in the menu click on the TOOLS tab.
  5. Here, click on the CHECK NOW button which is located under ERROR CHECKING STATUS
  6. Now you are provided with the options like THOROUGH or SCAN FOR AND ATTEMPT RECOVERY OF BAD SECTORS, choose any one of them as per your wish.
  7. Click on the START button and wait while the utility program will handle all other operations
That is all.

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